Lenovo on Tuesday entered the mobile market with its Skylight smartbook, a mobile device that blends the productivity of a netbook with the mobility of a smartphone, with integrated WiFi and 3G for fast connectivity
The 1.95 pounds (0.88 kilograms) device features a 10.6-inch screen and compact keyboard to fit in a purse or bag.
It is powered by the energy efficient Qualcomm's Arm-based Snapdragon processor and offers 10 hours unplugged operations. It features 20 GB of standard flash and 2 GB of cloud storage.
The Linux powered device (Arm-based processors don't support Windows), with an eye-catching sleek and slim design, is available in earth red or lotus blue colors.
The "always on" Skylight lets users check Google Gmail, update their Facebook status, see what's new on YouTube or browse the Internet. simultaneously without having to continually refresh or log in.
There are more than 18 preloaded web gadgets including Amazon MP3 to download digital music favorites and Roxio CinemaNow to buy and download digital movies.
Pricing will start at $499 as full retail price. AT&T offers two-year AT&T DataConnect service plans, as well as Data Connect Pass – a pay-as-you-need it data service available by the day, by the week or by the month.
With the purchase of a qualified AT&T DataConnect plan, users get 3G data but also have access to AT&T's nationwide Wi-Fi network, including more than 20,000 U.S. hot spots for fast and easy web access on the go
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