To be a kitchen wizard and turn out marvelous and memorable meals for the family can be made a much easier task once you are able to get complete cooking information at a glance. There has appeared a gadget – aptly called Co-Chef – to keep you informed about every part of the processes that are going on, like whether you are using fresh fruits and vegetables and whether the temperature of the dish is right.
This smart kitchen assistant was designed by Bram Shreuders for Philips as one of their Domestic Appliances Project concepts and developed at the Deft University of Technology. The idea lies in using small wireless sensors that come in a great variety for almost any item (there are spoon or pan sensors, fruit sensors and s.o.). As you stick the sensors into the food the base unit reads the information on ingredients, temperature, freshness and feeds you the necessary information.
Philips Co-Chef is a great gadget for women who enjoys cooking. It’s perfect to glide you over most cooking mistakes and steer you to the spot where the meal you are preparing is balanced ideally. Instead of a handful of facts to be kept in mind while cooking you will have only to place the sensors – and remove them afterwards.
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