Apple today announced the launch of iPad 3, its third generation tablet. The company also announced its intent to continue producing the iPad 2 at a lower price starting at $399.
The iPad 3 features 9.7-inch Retina Display with 2,048 x 1,536-pixel resolution, A5X chip with quad-core graphics, 5 megapixel iSight camera with advanced optics and 1080p HD video capability, Wi-Fi, 4G LTE and 3G connectivity; and 10 hour battery life. Siri didn't make it to the device, but there is voice dictation instead.
The Retina display packs 3.1 million pixels, 64 per inch, over a million more than an HD TV.
The A5X chip features quad-core graphics to drive the pixel packed retina display and smooth multi-touch interface, while delivering day long battery life.
The iSight camera is supported by a Backside Illuminated sensor and features video image stabilization.
Verizon and AT&T will support the iPad 3 on their 4G LTE networks with download speeds up to 72 Mbps. The device includes a personal hotspot feature, available if your carrier supports it.
The iPad 3 will be available in black or white starting Friday, March 16. Pricing is identical to what existed for iPad 2 earlier: $499 (16GB), $599 (32GB) and $699 (64GB). The cellular radio costs an additional $130 on each model.
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