The general run of alarm clocks are vicious gadgets designed to get you up in the morning – and boy, they mean it! They employ all kinds of dirty tricks to whisk you out of sleep with a pounding heart and a feeling that you’ve died and gone to hell. Many of them do it with raucous battle cries that announce the beginning of a new day for you and everyone else within half a mile. For everyone who is sure that alarm-clocks have been invented by devils here’s one that must have been designed by an angel, and it’s dubbed an un-alarm clock to show you that it is a thing poles apart from your demanding announcer. The un-alarm clock is a wristband that you strap on before going to bed. It works in collaboration with your iPhone , iPad or iTouch, and when the time is ripe it just vibrates without disturbing your partner’s beauty sleep . Those who care to know how they were making it through the night will be informed by the un-alarm clock on various aspects like the time it ...
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